Saturday 2 April 2011

Typography Experiments

So far i have looked into existing typoghraphy from other film covers, which i felt was really helpful as there are several things that i have seen that i could experiment with when i produce my typography for my opening sequence. I have also found a website that has been helpful:

On this website there is a variety of different fonts that could potentially be used. There are a lot of big and dramtic fonts on the site, but also some much smaller simpler ones, similar to the fonts that you can find on any usual PC. So far i have looked into a few of the fonts from the website and you are able to see previews of what your font could potentially look like. However after experimenting with these and also the ones off of the computer, i have decided to use the ones on the computer as i feel there are some effective ones that have come off of it. Even some of the simple fonts such as 'Arial Black' and 'Bookman Old Style' look good and could work well within my own work.

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