Friday 22 April 2011

Evaluation Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?


I decided to use Ysabel as the girl who was being followed and that had been missing. I felt that a character that had some similarities to her and also some differences was Katie from Paranormal Activity. Both of them had a role where they were both becoming increasingly panicked and scared by things that could be haunting them. Although with Katie in Paranormal Activity is becoming more disturbed by a presence within her home, she still has the same emotion which Ysabel did within my own opening. Both show a lot of emotion and they both are worried as to what could happen. Although within my opening there is no actual script or voiceover, the sound adds to the tension, which differs from Paranormal Activity, which are mainly just people speaking. Both also dressed fairly similar, both being casual and in normal every day where, which is simple and not too over the top.

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