Friday 22 April 2011

Evaluation Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The preliminary task that I produced was a very simple short piece. For myself the preliminary task was the first thing I had produced where I had properly used a camera. With the task I didn’t use a tripod, which I realised within my final opening sequence, helped me out a great deal.

Since my preliminary I feel that I have understood the term ‘Continuity editing’ better which I think has helped me within my own work. I made sure within my final sequence that I kept to the continuity rule as without it, the viewer would have got more confused and may have noticed little parts that were wrong. Since my first task, I myself have found it more noticeable to find continuity errors; therefore I made it one of the key jobs to make sure that the continuity of my film opening was correct. The 180 degree rule was another thing that I wanted to make sure I kept an eye on, as within my preliminary, I didn’t consider it as much as I have within my final sequence.

Editing was also another key part of my learning progress. With my preliminary task I simply just put the clips together. However within my final opening sequence I made sure that I was more in depth with how I edited it, using transitions, changing the speed of clips, the duration of the clips and also the order that it went it. I feel that I have learnt how important it is to make sure that the editing aspect was as good as I could get it and also how much difference a simple transition or speed change can make.

The use of the actual camera was something that I felt I had progressed with too. In my preliminary task I simply panned around and had an over the shoulder shot, which I found easy to do. However within my final opening sequence I used a wider variety of shots, such as panning, long shot, medium shots, close ups and extreme close ups.

Overall I feel that I have learnt a lot from my preliminary and the way that I have used the camera and thought more carefully about the editing and rules has helped me progress well within my work. I feel that the preliminary has helped me to progress in this way and has been really helpful for when I have produced my final sequence.

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