Friday 22 April 2011

Evaluation Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A production company is a company that is responsible for funding for a company. The production company often sell its products to a film studio. Production companies can be both big companies, such as 20th Century Fox and DreamWorks and small companies such as Republic Pictures who are an independent company.

For a film to be distributed they need to have a distributor who will be able to sell their film preferably globally. There are again both big distribution companies and small independent ones. The big companies, such as Paramount Pictures have the ability to be able to distribute globally as they have bigger financing, whereas companies such as Warp do not have the money to be able to distribute widely. Because my opening sequence is only a small piece, it is more likely to be distributed Independently.

The money to be able to distribute a film such as mine would have come from funds such as the National Lottery who would be able to help with funding to allow my film to be made and distributed. Similarly, if I was a small independent company, there may be other companies who may have brought into my company which means that there would be some funds coming from them.

Similarly within many films, there are often peoples names and the name of the films. This is to do with advertising these companies, who can make a name for themselves and also earn more money. Usually big companies such as Paramount Pictures will have their name and then it will go on to say ‘In Association with.’ My film would be similar to small films that would have been distributed by Warp Films, who are a much smaller independent company as they don’t have the same amount of money to produce big films such as big conglomerate companies.

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