Friday 22 April 2011

Evaluation Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

There are several pieces of technology that I have used within the process of making my film opening.

The main pieces of equipment that I used for the filming area was the camera and tripod. Both of these were really simple pieces of technology that I had to use and I felt that they both allowed me to get really good footage for my film opening. Having the tripod to use with the camera was particularly helpful as it meant that my shots were completely in focus.

The Macbook was the second piece of equipment that I had to use. It had several programmes on it that I used to produce my film, the soundtrack and the typography. I found it really easy to use for something which I had never used before and it was extremely handy.

Youtube was a site that I have used which was useful to put my film opening on. Having the use of youtube meant that it was a quick and easy way to upload the video but also to watch it as well.

Final Cut Express was the main programme I used for my film opening. I found it extremely useful and easy to use which allowed me to be able to work easily with the programme. Through using Final Cut, it allowed me to learn several things: how to import my clips onto it, how to cut and edit the parts of the clips I did and didn’t want, how to add transitions and how to change the speeds and durations of clips.

Soundtrack Pro was another key programme that has helped me to produce a soundtrack for my film opening. There were many things that I learnt from using the programme such as how to make a soundtrack, how to add sound effects and also how I could add my movie to Soundtrack Pro which then allowed me to make sure the music fitted in with my footage.

Live Type was the third big programme that was helpful to produce my typography for my film. It allowed me to experiment with a wide variety of fonts, styles, sizes and transitions to get the typography exactly how I wanted it. I found it very useful to work with Live Type as there were several things that I could experiment with to make the exact font I wanted.

Sites such as Google and the IMBD allowed me to get photographs and research into existing films that influenced my own work.

Blogger was also a key part as it allowed me to post updates, to show my progress through my work.

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