Friday 22 April 2011

Evaluation Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

There were many elements within my film that I felt addressed my target audience. Firstly the genre I chose to use was the horror and thriller which I think immediately draws my target audience in. The use of using people that are around the same age as my target audience would also appeal as they are similar age and could relate more, compared to if they were older, I think that my audience would be more likely to switch off. I think the idea is also really different and would be something that my target audience would like to see and also see how it would have developed. The fact that I have used some of the typical conventions for my film would also appeal as most people will already have an idea as to what the film would encounter, so changing all the typical conventions would have probably not appealed to my target audience.

The use of the soundtrack that I have made and added to my film opening was also attract my audience because it is typically dark and ‘droned’ which is another typical convention of the horror and thriller genre. I wanted my audience to be attracted to my film straight away, so I wanted to make sure the title: including the fonts and style stood out. The idea of my film opening was another key thing that I felt would target my audience. I wanted my idea to my unique selling point for my film, which I still feel it is. The idea is only a simple and straight forward one, but I felt that it would appeal to my audience as it gave them chance to leave them guessing as to what could happen. The idea is also simple which means that there was more ways for my audience to come up with many ideas that could happen, which I think would again appeal greatly to them as there is a lot of suspense.

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