Monday 4 April 2011

Soundtrack Pro

To produce the soundtrack for my opening sequence I have been using a programme called Soundtrack Pro. I have found this programme extremely easy to use and it is very simplistic. Using the programme, I am able to get rythms, beats, sound effects and backing sounds that I could use to put into my soundtrack. I felt for my own opening piece, the music needed to be fairly quick to match the movemnt of my character, but also be fairly dark and deep, with occassional sounds that would be even quicker in pace and also get higher in some areas. Soundtrack pro has allowed me to do this so far and there are endless amound of beats, sound effect and rythms that can be used. From all of the sounds that I have gone through, there are many that could potentially be used, however I didnt want to make my soundtrack too over the top or too busy, but instead wanted something that would be dark and still fit in with my opening sequence.

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