Friday 22 April 2011

Evaluation Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

There are nine aspects in which my media product is conventionally similar to other media products. Firstly the name of my film was ‘Insanity.’ I wanted the name for my opening sequence to have a feel about it when it was said and I thought it was best to make sure that it was something powerful that would stick in someone’s head, similar to how most horror/thriller genre films that people see, aren’t usually easy to get rid of from their mind at first. I kept the name big and bold so that it was noticeable and so that the viewers of my opening would see it clearly. Similarly to some of the other existing typography and names of films I had researched, I wanted it to make a statement; being obvious and something that people would remember, similarly to how a lot of people are able to remember horror/thriller films. I felt that the name ‘Insanity’ which means the condition of going insane and a derangement of the mind, would be powerful and I felt that it resembled something that is horror and thriller and something which these genres of movies can include within them.

The setting and location was an important aspect of my opening sequence as I wanted to make sure that the horror/ thriller genre was obvious and I wanted the location to be someone that would give off true emotions that a real horror/ thriller film would. I had two different locations; a bedroom, where the lighting was dark and creepy, to give the opening the dark feel and I also had a wood setting with a long winding pathway, which again I felt was a convention of a horror as woods aren’t somewhere that most people would usually be seen in. I felt by having these two areas it would give off the dark and dominant feel that the character in my film was being followed. Both these locations were somewhere that I thought about thoroughly as I wanted to make sure that the genre was obvious and I feel that both these locations are typical conventions of horror/ thriller films.

The use of costumes and props within many films are often widely used, particularly within horrors and thrillers. Most horrors and thrillers use a lot of weapons of objects that are harmful. However within my own film sequence I chose not to use any weapons or ‘harmful’ props as I felt my idea and the acting would be strong enough to evoke emotions and the tense feeling of a horror and thriller genre. I did have simple props such as a bed and items around the bedroom. The costume for my film opening was important as I needed to make sure that my character was dressed down and not too over the top for her role. I chose to dress her in a way that would be casual and as if she had been dressed in this manor for a few days to link in with my plot.

In all films there are many editing features. I decided within my piece to not be too over the top with my editing, but instead to keep it relatively simple with mainly using fade transitions. I did edit the speeds and durations of the clips in order to get the fast and slow paces of my shots, to make a tense and dramatic effect on the viewer, similarly to most horror and thriller genres. For the camerawork, I chose to keep the shots fairly simple too, using main long shots, close ups, extreme close ups and panning. I felt that this worked well as when I edited my footage I was able to edit it in a way that would be typically conventional of a horror/ thriller film.

The title font and style was an important aspect for me which I researched thoroughly into existing fonts and styles to help create my own. I wanted to make sure that I kept the name big and bold, so that it would look dramatic and would emphasise the genre of the film. I decided to make the writing slightly more edgy to add to the meaning of the name. I wanted to make it one of more obvious parts of my film opening so that it would stand out. I did change the fonts for the director and character names as I wanted the main focus to be on the name of the film. Although I did have two separate fonts I felt that it still worked well and still looked okay.

The story of my film and how the opening sets it up was something that I wanted to try and make as clear as possible, but still leave the viewer guessing as to what could happen. The shot of the missing people posters is something which I think sets the opening up straight away and gets straight into the story. The fact that I used the missing posters so early on allows the viewer to have guessed and some clues as to what could happen although they don’t know exactly what is to come.

The genre of my film opening was horror and thriller. I feel that my opening suggests this straight away from the missing posters and from the girl wondering in a forest alone, looking scared and worried. I chose to think of an idea for a film overall to help me think of a beginning, which I felt helped me to think of an opening that would work and show that the genre was horror and thriller.

There was only one main character within my film, which I felt it may be harder to introduce as she was the only one. I did however have characters used within my posters, although the girl in the woods was the main interest for the viewer. I found that it was easier to only have the one character acting and allowed the viewer to wonder as to if there was going to be another character appears. I introduced the posters by panning shots, which really allowed the viewer to see how many missing posters there were and to clearly see how the posters had been written over and scrunched up. I introduced the character of the girl in the woods using several long shots which I felt allowed the viewer to see how dominant the location was in comparison to the character.

I didn’t use any major special effects within my film opening. Instead I wanted to keep it simpler as to having the main story and the acting. I did however edit the photographs for the missing people which I think created an effect on the viewer as to how dramatic it could be. I did choose to do the characters make up so she had darker circles around her eyes; however there weren’t many shots where this was clearly seen. I felt that by not using any big special effects my film opening still worked well and the viewer was still able to see that it was a horror/ thriller genre.

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