Monday 1 November 2010

Preliminary Task Evaluation

I think that my final sequence is fairly successful and I feel that I have been able to use the camera, my ideas and the editing well, particularly for a first try. I think my piece demonstrates the rules of continuity editing, which is something I made sure I did to the best I could, as otherwise I didn’t think my piece would flow or work as well. I think that to make the piece even more successful, I could of thought more about the sound, and made sure that there wasn’t any speaking or unwanted noises throughout. I think that I thought about what I needed to include and also how I did it well, but to improve I could think more about timings and also making sure I get my timings more accurate for the starting and stopping, so that the people in my piece could understand it better, and it would of flowed even smoother when put together.
One of the things I think I could rethink about my piece is to use a tripod next time. Although I think I did well without a tripod, I think that it would help me to make sure there isn’t any noticeable shaking or wobbles of the camera and it would just make the piece look more solid. I would also rethink the timings of my piece, so that I have enough time for the transitions of each clip to run smoother, and so that there is enough of each of the scenes, for example, the knocking of the door, I think could have gone on for slightly longer. I would also rethink the script element for the talking of the characters, although I had something which they could use, I found it was easier for them to just get ahead and just make general conversation. However next time, I think I would stick to a script so that the people are definitely sure on what they are saying and have something there for them.
My final sequence was pretty much the same as my initial storyboard, other than the setting in which I had included on the storyboard. I think that to improve the planning stage, I could of really thought more into the camera shots and angles, so I could have been slightly more precise when filming and also thought more about timings and when to start and stop each part of the filming so that it was clearer for the characters in my piece. I would also think about the sounds, so that I would know whether I would want some of the particular sounds, such as the walking and knocking of the door.
I think throughout the making of my sequence, it allowed me to think more about the actual filming and to remember some of the rules, such as the continuity editing and also the 180 degree rule, as without myself remembering these, my piece wouldn’t have made much sense, and wouldn’t have run smoothly. I think the main lessons that I need to carry on into my main task would be to make sure I have thoroughly thought about the continuity editing and to make sure that I have a good enough and detailed plan for me to exactly stick to, so that when it comes to the filming I am certain of what I am doing.

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