Thursday 4 November 2010

Mainstream and Independent films

Independent films:
An Independent film is one, which is usually produced outside of a big studio setting, usually using many of the directors own resources. Below I have included a link, which I think gives a detailed definition of what an independent film is.

 Mainstream films:
Mainstream films are usually big production films, which have been produced using a big variety of resources, including big studios where the film is often made. Mainstream films; often have a lot of money involved. Below I have found a link of which I found gave a good definition of what a mainstream film is.

Nowadays, it is mostly the bigger mainstream films that are shown on big screens in cinema’s and are often very well known. However, there are many Independent films that have been produced, which can still be of a good quality and standard. For my Coursework, I will look into more of the Independent films, as for my piece, I would be unable to produce something as big as a Mainstream film, therefore I think it is necessary to look into more Independent films, which I think I will still be able to get some creative and good ideas from.

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