Wednesday 29 December 2010

Film Final Ideas

Following my film pitch and the feedback I have come some solid conclusions about my film opening. Firstly, the name, I am changing it to Insanity. From the help of my feedback, I was able to choose this name, as it would link into what the rest of the film would be about if the rest of it was being created. I think that the name is gripping and would make the target audience question what the film is about. The target audience of my film is 15-25 as this is the likely audience of who would watch a thriller or horror film. I have also kept the idea the same, as from my pitch, my classmates thought that it would be a good idea and very gripping. I think from this, my USP (unique selling point) is the idea of my opening going straight into a dream that the person is having which is different as the film is based on the person and their dreams.

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