Thursday 20 January 2011


Here is my storyboard that I have produced on paper, showing what will happen in my film opening. Within my storyboard i have included the type of shots that I will be using within my opening, a description of what will be happening in that shot, any sounds that will be used, the mise en scene and also camera movements that I will be using. Within my storyboard, I haven't included the exact timings of when everything will happen, but have included rough timings.

My idea for my film opening is to have a person, in bed turning and twitching, trying to emphasise that they are having a dream. There will be a pan of the room showing some of the persons belongings and then either panning or following up the bed to see the person up close. There will then be a close up of the persons face where the persons eyes will open as if they are awake, where i will then zoom closer to the persons eye, where i will then edit my scenes to fade in and out to the same eye but in a different place, to try to emphasise that we are going into the persons dream. Next I will zoom out to reveal the person in a wood setting where they will be alone. The person will be seen walking around confused and scared as to what is happening. I will also use sounds of rustling and possibly twigs snapping, where the person will think and feel as if there is someone following them. To portray this feeling to the viewer, I will use a range of long shots, where the person will seem small and alone in comparison; close ups and mid shots to show the persons feeling of being scared. Next I will zoom into the person rapidly where I will then edit the footage so there is a fade in and out, to reveal the person back in there bed again, where they  will again been twitching and turning and will suddenly wake and sit up right, where they realise that it was only a dream.

The idea of my film opening is only a simple idea, but I think that it will work really effectively. Before filming my piece properly, I will use a simple video recorder to test out some of my scenes to have a practise and also so I can see when the light will work most effectively. By doing this I think it will help me when I go to produce my final footage, as I will have the knowledge of what will work best from where I have had practise.